1. Can you describe the experience you personally get from American Heritage aesthetics?
North American references just have to be present at all creative levels of my work. In short, they have marked my life. Some fools would say that the trucks that I paint are possessed - but then again, what the hell do they know! To me, American trucks simply transport from place to place, the whole nation’s confidence in the future. As if to say, who gives a flying fuck about the world running out of petrol…? People just go on with their lives, enjoying daily pleasures like baseball, hooters, and Boston rock bands like Ted Nugent, ZZ-TOP and the legendary Muddy Waters. To me, American trucks symbolise America’s solidity and greatness. Figuratively speaking, the state of Texas epitomizes the American heart. Its roads are like arteries that oxygenate the pure authentic beauty that my work needs to amass in order to make it mine.

Add to that, Thunderstruck, which as you know, is played in most stadiums during important games – then I would say that, America has got itself the perfect national anthem! Wouldn’t you agree?

2. Lately your work has been subject of controversy because some art institutions have suddenly found it necessary to either defend political issues or to become socially involved. Has this affected your work?
Don’t get me wrong, I think that it’s great when artists stand-up for righteous causes. Albeit, an artist should only be asked to use notoriety in order to defend a cause. Definitely not his or her work! For this reason, I have found that some people behind these art institutions and/or those that you’re clearly referring to; in my mind have no sense of normalcy! That is why I prefer to stay neutral at all times and concentrate strictly on making sure that my work stays fun. Seriously, I really don’t see how the work of an artist can eradicate world poverty… I therefore think that artists should be allowed to remain free so that they can follow their sincere inspirations. I hope that when people judge my work, that they will judge its capacity to withstand time. That is why my work focuses on immortalising AC/DC’s grandeur; instead of commenting current affairs that escape my understanding.

3. It is said that nowadays, many artists get caught-up in issues that compromise their originality; and that this is caused by their need to follow trends in order to exist. Do you agree?
Yes this is sad but true. Although I don’t blame the artists that do so, as they have no choice but to follow imposed trends! Unfortunately, it’s the only way to get visibility for many. This shows that there is definitely a fine line between the need to expose and exposure. To me, it’s like trying to breathe in the aroma of coffee when holding an empty cup of expensive porcelain. The experience is still the same, meaning full of emptiness! It’s basically what happens when pretending to be somebody that you’re not. At the end of the day, I can only say that I consider myself lucky as my work procures me very rich experiences.

4. The most attractive thing about your work is its originality, how do you manage to nurture it and keep it fresh?
Thankfully, I have the chance to live by my passion and with age, I have learnt not to make the same mistakes that I made when I was younger. I now make sure that all the rich experiences that I have the chance to live, serve the purpose of enforcing my artistic personality. I simply don’t want to risk losing my essence ever again. I have found that in order to keep my work fresh, that I need to concentrate on making sure that my work transmits to people; the incredible degree of satisfaction that I feel when painting it. I don’t expect everybody to grasp this, but I do hope that AC/DC fans like me, appreciate my efforts. As for us, AC/DC’s 40th anniversary is going to give us so much power. Indeed 2014, is going to be a year full of rich experiences or should I say food for inspiration!

5. Removing the fact that it's synonymous to the band, what is it that differentiates the style of AC/DC from any other type of styling?
The Young Bros are virtuosi with blues and rock ‘n’ roll running through their veins. This is what characterises them the most. It has helped them make crystal clear to the world, that they neither follow trends nor do they seek glory. Honestly, nobody can deny the fact that AC/DC is the only rock band in this universe that gives a pure meaning to Rock ‘n’ Roll.

6. What would you change about AC/DC and what aspect of the band encapsulates you the most?
Please understand that such thoughts have never ever, crossed my mind! I ask you: How can a common person like me, dare to try and change something that is beyond my human condition? Honestly, I have never referred to the band as people. They’re to me, superior beings that have come to us from another galaxy… bringing with them perfection that they alone can incarnate. I tell you, we simply have to admire their constancy and kneel before them, when we’re in their presence.

Allow me to share with you the fact that seeing them live on stage gives meaning to my life. It’s an in-crescendo experience that starts off with Brian Johnson moving around on stage. Then, with Malcolm and Cliff rocking away together in front of the amps. Suddenly, the band starts to go wild; transmitting the only kind of cosmic energy that can save humanity if you ask me! Nothing and I mean nothing in this world can make my dick get so hard! Allow me to elaborate on this. I always reach the climax point when Malcolm starts to go-off with his powerful (Gretsch Jet Firebird) guitar. I can therefore say that seeing AC/DC live is just as good as sex! They are my Viagra.

7. Knowing that your highest aspiration as an artist is to someday design the cover of an AC/DC album? Why then, did you agree to design the cover of another band that wasn’t AC/DC? Referring to 77’s cover of course?
Collaborating with AC/DC would obviously be the greatest thing that could ever happen to me! In the meantime, I am very proud of having designed ‘77’s 3rd album cover “Maximum Rock ‘n’ Roll” because I love listening to their music when I am not listening to AC/DC, Metallica, Airbourne and The Rolling Stones for example. Besides, these guys have their own tunes, a cool personality and some of the same musical references as AC/DC. It was a real pleasure to work on this project because I think that these guys will one day be considered as part of AC/DC’s legacy by other fans like me if they continue like this…

8. Everybody loves to hear success stories, is there one that you’d like to share with us?
Although I recognise that being able to live from my passion is a form of success, I’d rather pride myself on the good things that I do, more so than the material gain which they may bring me. In short, my whole life is to me a beautiful story because I am narrating the life of the greatest band of all times. Enabling me to live my passion for AC/DC without restraint. That is why, I think that success is something that is very subjective and in any case something that I don’t take too seriously.

I am more interested in doing good whenever I can and try to concentrate only, on those things that procure me the positive karma I need to be creative and productive.

That is why I am going to tell you a story about how positive karma can fill your life with joy.

So here’s how the story goes. I happened to be fishing in Amsterdam with a buddy, when the phone rang. On the other end of the phone was, the man that has invented the most prestigious logo of all times. Yes that’s right; the creator of the AC/DC logo. This is the man who was trying to talk to me over the phone, can you imagine my reaction? I was unable to answer… I was too busy crying of joy and thinking, whether I should dive into the river or not? When suddenly he said: “I’d love to do your new logo”. I was like, speechless. Only many seconds after a long silence was I able to reply the following: “Cool ‘coz I don’t have one to begin with”. He then started to laugh and so did I. What else is there to tell? This is one of those short stories that best define what a “had-to-be-there” moment is all about. And I am so glad to share this with you because; I think people also need to hear about incredible people like Gerard Huerta. He’s one of those “behind the scenes” type a guys. So just for the record; note that a part from being a great professional, that Gerard is an even greater person. Something which I am sure that nobody in the branding industry will deny! He has helped many brands reach the top. In my case, I can honestly say that I now feel AC/DC’s power even closer to me. I therefore hope that he reads this and knows just how much indescribable joy he has brought into my life!

The moral of the story is that, when you least expect it, the last person in the world you’d ever think of; just happens to walk into your life. I’m so glad to be able to share this experience with you because, it illustrates perfectly that when you do good, sooner or later it comes back to you!

Interview & Article by: Will Rojas Fort