The “Why Things Move?” is a long postulated question by philosophers and physicists, alike Spinoza, von Neumann, Feynman, to name the few, went into the realm of a variety of considerations.
"The truth of life itself cannot be understood using the tools of physics, simply because in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve" — in the words of a founder of quantum physics, Max Plank.
It has been widely accepted now that the brain is a physical organ and that we need to continue working on developing tools to better understand our minds.
The neuroscience of movements
The spectrum of functional motions which humans can master is impressive. Most of these movements are learned in early childhood, but the repertoire is increased on a daily basis.
According to present knowledge this is possible because each functional motion relies upon perceptuo-motor coordination, that involves three major components: the intake of sensory information, the internal coding of this information into a format that is adequate for driving a motor action, and the generation of movements themselves.
Neurophysiological studies of reaching movements show that some nerve cells in the motor cortex are excited prior to making movements in one direction and inhibited in the other directions, having therefore a predictive value. These results suggest also that the motor cortex is concerned with the general planning of the direction of a reaching movement, rather than the details of the load or the muscles that will have to be activated to reach a desired endpoint.
Clearly, these signals must be transformed to produce the right movements under various conditions, but the mechanisms underlying these transformations remain an open research area. Some aspects must arise from the pattern of anatomical connections between the motor cortex and the spinal cord, and others from the variety of inputs that influence the motor neurons, from sensory pathways and from other brain centres involved. Biological systems control movements at different levels of complexity, from accurately planned movements to reflexes.
In addition, it makes the Olympics Games even more interesting to watch.
Attention, memories, behaviour
In life sciences, a synergy of coordinative structures refers to a natural computation in handling the biological complexity. We have explored an inherent uncertainty in coordinating shoulder and elbow joints motion, while computing the reaching synergies1.
We have applied the equilibrium points hypothesis, extending it with the quantum information carriers in attention, memory, and behavioural data study3. The computational method captures the quantum information theoretical model for the generation of the underlying data. The networked system dynamics and computation is carried out by the scale-space wave information propagation, accompanied by the inherent uncertainty relation in the information expression.
Circular motion patterns, encoding information in the atomic structures have been described1. A multidimensional scaling property of the atomic structure has been derived by the theory of stochastic resonance synergies.
Internal states of a networked neural system are compared by its interaction with the environment via coupled information propagation3. The clusters of information, arranged in an atomic structure, translate into a modelling approach of attention and memory, within a behavioural experiment. This approach applied to neuroimaging data is used as a basis for building a data mining analysis tool.
Neuroimaging and dynamical brain maps source localization have shown potentials in clinical applications. Datamining neuroimaging data for diagnosis, analysis and monitoring, as well as treatment of disordered neural states.
“Why things move?”
We have written a quantum information theory in a study of computability and dynamics of the genotype information expression. Mirroring a holographic representation of the world that we experience and act upon, in our view.
Although most of us desire certainty in our lives, it appears quite opposite – it is a prevailing uncertainty that makes the universe move.
1 Jovovic, M., S. Jonic, and D. Popovic, Automatic synthesis of synergies for control of reaching – hierarchical clustering. Medical Engineering and Physics 21/5:325-337, 1999.
2 Jovovic, M., Stochastic Resonance Synergetics – Quantum Information Theory for Multidimensional Scaling, Journal of Quantum Information Science, 5/2:47-57, 2015.
3 Jovovic M. Attention, Memories and Behavioral Data-driven Study. Advances in Neurology and Neuroscience, 2019.