Alfa Gallery is pleased to announce OG Kush, a group exhibition featuring the work of Ana Vila, Anne Juliette Deschamps, Annette Mewes-Thoms, Bete Molina, Carla Fache, Cecilia Ferrari, Cécile Dupaquier, Florentina Otari, Hanna ten Doornkaat, Ioannis Lassithiotakis, Jochem op ten Noort, José María Banús, Maureen Meyer, Michael Francis Ryan, Nicolas Vionnet, Linda Arts, Per Lunde Jørgensen, Peter Manion, René Seifert, Sherna Teperson, Vanessa Niederstrasser, Victor Mahana and Véronique Chagnon Côté.
The exhibition spotlight cannabis, as a source of inspiration, demystifying myths, and pushing aside the barriers imposed by society.
A thoughtful, playful and eclectic art exhibition, encouraging the discovery and appreciation of cannabis through explorations of art.