The dolls as actors of events, tragedies and wars, as well as reference to previous epochs of civilization, all represent the central motifs of Marković's expression for many years during his career. In the first Series Survivors, one can clearly see the pain, suffering, longing and joy on the faces of the dolls.
In the new Series presented here, named Dream, the ambience in which the dolls are set, how they are dressed, indicates the civilization progress, but also the problem associated with that progress. On Marković's dolls, the current mood is clearly visible. By the expression of their faces and eyes, we can also determine the character of the person he implies to. Each and every detail, ambience, clothes or gesture, reflects the state of mind and the period of civilization's progression or retrogression, and also the need for change.
The approach itself regarding the themes and elements he is using to reproduce his visions, connecting and integrating them into a whole, connecting man and time, past and present, can be characterized as neo-medial way to create an artwork that, in all its segments, fulfills the basic principles of such art.