The third collaborative exhibition within the Günter Brus retrospective is dedicated to the Styrian conceptual artist, author, painter, and musician Jörg Schlick.
Within the large exhibition Günter Brus. Unrest after the Storm, a space on the upper floor of the Belvedere 21 will be used to rotate different presentations. The starting point for the collaboration between Günter Brus and Jörg Schlick is Schlick’s spiral nebula drawings, which Günter and Anna Brus first encountered in a gallery in Berlin. Back in Graz, Brus and Schlick started to work together. Spiralnebulose Gedanken [Spiral-Nebulous Thoughts] emerged from texts written by Brus on a record sleeve, which Schlick then overdrew with circular forms. In 2005, the two artists collaborated one last time and the result was the series In besseren Kreisen [In Better Circles].
Jörg Schlick (born 1951 in Graz, died 2005 in Graz) is considered a prolific artist of international importance. His clever play used all forms of artistic expression and the available media resources of his time, along with a strong creative sense for appropriation and controversy. His career consisted of various artistic projects made together with Günter Brus, Wolfgang Bauer, Martin Kippenberger, and many others.