In 1543, Nicolau Copérnico launched the book On the revolutions of Heavenly Spheres which determined the ending of anthropocentric thinking and have encouraged the next generations to continue his theories. At the beginning of century XVII, Galileu proved that Earth is one celestial body and the Sun is an axis of its system. From then on and more each time the astronomy deconstructs the idea of the man as a center of the world and the creationism as the universe origin.
Sharing this ideals, Blue of the star presents works from Amanda Mei, Augusto de Campos and Júlio Plaza, Elena Damiani, Felippe Moraes, Guillhermo Rodriguez, Marta Jourdan and Mayana Redin, whom studies turns to the nature of the universe, philosophy and/or mathematics as an object of study and inspiration. It is through the simple act of observation of what is not within the reach of the body that the thought frees itself to go beyond. With a telescope invented by himself, Galileu found out some similarities between the Earth, the moon and the Sun. As well as, for example, marks, cavities and elevations. From then on with a series of sun observation drawings, the astronomer charted the rotation movement of the Earth according the displacement of sunspots; this images can be seem in the video Sunpost by Guillermo Rodriguez. This experiment let us to the knowledge that we have today about the Solar System.
When during the day the Sun rises, at night the Moon reflects its own light. From this energy in its maximum power that life on Earth is structured in a cyclic form. At the same time that the Earth orbits around the Sun, the Moon rotates around the Earth in a harmonic dance. In allusion to this movement there is a light that goes through the word written in the installation “LUZ” from/by Bernardo Ramalho and the object-book “Caixa Preta” from Augusto Campos and Júlio Plaza. This is a form to praise the Cosmos in a figurative language.
Mayana Redin stuffs one bread with an astronomy book and Felippe Moraes pays a tribute to the philosopher and mathematician Pitágoras in a photography series that shows us a star under construction. Both artists build/built practical/gestural sculptures from common gestures like kneading a loaf of bread and intertwine a string between the fingers. The difference between them is that “Homenagem a Pitágoras” perpetuate the action in light-grained images while “Pão” lives and dies according the contact with the space/atmosphere. With the assumption of the endless cycle between the acts of construction and deconstruction, Amanda Mei presents “Encontro Marcado”, a painting series of explosions that makes us wonder if those images shows the origin of the world or its collapse. Marta Jourdan presents the same argumentation about the states of matter in the installation “Circuito #2”. Both works concern about the balance between things and their substance while human creations spontaneous/natural events of the nature.
Applying the concepts of nature and culture, Elena Damiani exhibits “Lecture Series”, photos of projections of enlarged mineral images presented at lecture halls printed on covers of old books. The stones presented by Damiani, as the ones by Guillermo Rodriguez at “Constelação S. Teresa” and Amanda Mei in “Teoria da Evolução” become objects to be handled by humans.
With the proposal of connecting the Earth and the Universe starting from the dynamics of the transformation movements that Blue of the Star instigates us to look to the Cosmos and to our planet at the same time, aligning nature and culture inside of the same system. Here, the star is blue.