On Black Friday Vilma Gold exempts you from entering a profane consumer affair contraceived by Stephen G. Rhodes.
In this past summer of 2014 the Hobby Lobby ruling was passed in a 5-4 vote by United States Supreme Court , Burwell v. Hobby Lobby 573 U.S. A secular corporation distributing Art Supplies and Crafts with a thinly veiled Religious agenda, Hobby Lobby rebuked the recently passed Affordable Care Act on the grounds that the Health Care it would be forced to extend to scores of employees is a violation of Religious Freedom as it covers contraception.
Following the Hobby Lobby’s logic favoring libidinal sectarian thrust to penetrate the walls of “Church and State,” Rhodes wondered how this would work in reverse if a Satanic cult were invited to undertake a remodeling of the Hobby Lobby stores. After all it is not only curious that the store’s enterprise is branded with the idea of “Hobby” - whose connotations with Craft and idle banality beget at least two of the deadly sins, yet, also specializes in supplying “Creative” “Merchandise” - certainly the devil’s provenance.
Hobby Lobby and Satan are really not unlikely collaborators in the court of expenditure where both lobby for the Commands to repopulate, sacrifice and unleash the carbon footprint of commodity and sex. In time, the artist would realize that this pairing was unconsciously influenced by another battle of Church and State unfolding in Oklahoma City. There the Church of Satan was seeking to exploit a loophole introduced by a group that had successfully installed an officially sanctioned Ten Commandments statue on the grounds of the State Court House.
The Church of Satan extended a proposal of a statue of their own design featuring Baphomet consorting with children. It occurred to Rhodes that the headquarters of Hobby Lobby was also based in Oklahoma City and the artist suddenly felt compelled to board a last minute flight to capture this orgiastic triangle tangling with the sacred dialectic of Church and State.
Deepening the paranoid dynamic of unintended conception, the artist, having just returned to Berlin from Oklahoma City, was alerted to a news story that a possessed driver, allegedly Christian, had been compelled by Satan to smash his vehicle into the ten commandments statue where Rhodes just 13 days earlier had trained his camera. Just days ago a man drove his car into a Hobby Lobby store in Greer, South Carolina, the town from which the artist”s middle name is derived.
This Black Friday we invite you to dispel all consummations emanating from that infernal portal spawned by the collapse of Church and State.