The 1-st International scientific-technological exhibition FUTURTECH 2012 will take place in September 2012 in the Italian town of Rimini in the modern PALACONGRESSI DI RIMINI, in the context of realization of the policy of modernization of Russia’s economy and of the enforcement of it’s partnership relations.
The place is not chosen occasionally: Russia and Italy are for centuries tied by the long standing, permanently developing and friendly relations, based on the interrelationship of the cultures and economics. Besides, Italy, as the cradle of the European culture, might become the cradle of the pan European cooperation in the innovations with the participation of Russia.
In the conditions of globalization of the world market and acceleration of development of society the introduction of high technologies in the economy of any state acquires a particular importance. In his article “Forward, Russia” the Russia’s President D. Medvedev mentioned that “Our internal financial and technological possibilities are insufficient today for a real raising of life’s quality. We need the money and technologies of European, American and Asian states. These states at their turn need the Russia’s possibilities. We are extremely concerned about the approximation and reciprocal infiltration of our cultures and economics.”
Within the framework of the evolution of the international relations it is appropriate to accentuate the demonstration of achievements of the Russian high-tech sectors of industry as well as national innovative projects contributing a bursting development of any state, giving a particular attention on the joined projects of Russia and other countries.
The exhibition and conference FUTURTECH 2012 is called upon to favour the widening of the international cooperation in the nano-, bio- and lazer technologies, space and aeronautics, chemistry and medical sciences, energetics and environmental protection, oil & gas extraction and processing, digital technologies and means of communication as well as to strengthen the science-technical and innovational cooperation.
The aim of this event is to create an ideal business-ground, oriented to the interchange of information about the advanced scientific-technical and industrial experience; the effective work and friendly cooperation of all the market’s players.
The exhibition is held with the support of the Ministry of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation.